First Time Owners
As a responsible firearm owner, you must read the USER MANUAL of your weapon thoroughly before you handle it. A product specific manual will be provided with each new Rock Island Armory weapon.
This USER’S MANUAL is designed to assist you in learning the proper use and care of your handgun. After reading this manual, examine your handgun carefully and ensure that you understand all the features associated with it. This includes knowing it’s basic parts, how the safety features operate, how to open and close the action, and how to safely load and unload ammunition. Remember that improper use and handling of this handgun is dangerous, may void the warranty, and could cause severe injury or death.
Rock Island Armory weapons are as well made as modern technology allows and will give you a lifetime of reliable service, security, and pride of ownership. Use it properly and take good care of it, as per the instructions given in this USER’S MANUAL and do not hesitate to ask pertinent questions from the manufacturer or from competent gunsmiths.
The USER’S MANUAL that comes with your weapon should always be kept available for reference and should accompany the firearm if transferred to another party.
// Home Defense
Top 5 Best Guns for Home Defense — Rock Island Armory
When it comes to home defense, choosing the right firearm for your household is crucial. With so many models and ammunition options on the market, making the decision may feel overwhelming. Advantages and disadvantages of home defense guns can be hard to judge without more information.
What really makes these guns different? We’ll answer that for you, but the best way to find out is to try them for yourself.
“You've got to go out — you've got to try firearms,” explained John McClain from Team Armscor. “You have to get rounds down range with them, so you can figure out if you can handle them and if they feel comfortable to you.”
Consider shotguns, pistols, or revolvers and which is right for you. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself when you’re trying out home defense weapons:
- Are you comfortable with this gun?
- Do you feel comfortable manipulating it and dropping the magazine?
- Can you reach the magazine or slide release?
- Are the serration cuts enough for you to grip the slide effectively?
- Does this gun have the stopping power I need?
With these questions in mind, weigh the pros and cons and choose the best gun for home defense in your situation.
// Concealed Carry and Self Defense
Concealed Carry in Public: Responsible Gun Ownership
Concealed carrying a gun in public is about more than exercising your rights — it requires a lot of responsibility, restraint, and consideration. Choosing to arm yourself means being aware, level-headed, in control, and ready for any situation. If you’re unsure whether to carry concealed or open, explore which is right for you here.
Whether you’re carrying a gun to protect yourself from a known threat or you’re looking to be prepared for unforeseeable situations, being a responsible gun owner is key for the safety of you and the people around you.
Here are our tips for concealed carry in public spaces — and how to carry a gun responsibly.
// Home Defense
Are You Ready for a Home-Defense Firearm? 5 Big Questions
As the age-old saying goes: with great power comes great responsibility. This is especially true for gun owners. In the right hands, a gun is a tool capable of taking and defending life. In untrained, unprepared, or unskilled hands, a gun can be a liability.